United Nations S/2006/893
Security Council
Distr.: General
15 November 2006
Original: English/French
06-61797 (E) 161106 171106
Report of the Secretary-General on the establishment of a
special tribunal for Lebanon
I. Introduction
1. In my report to the Security Council pursuant to paragraph 6 of its
1644 (2005) (S/2006/176), I set out at the Council's request the nature and
scope of
the international assistance needed to try before a tribunal of an
character those responsible for the terrorist bombing that killed former
Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others. In so doing, I put forward the
principles of a tribunal of an international character, its personal and
subject matter
jurisdiction, composition, location and the question of financing, on the
basis of
consultations between the United Nations Secretariat and the Lebanese
2. By resolution 1664 (2006), the Security Council endorsed the report and
requested me to negotiate an agreement with the Government of Lebanon aimed
establishing a tribunal of an international character based on the highest
international standards of criminal justice, taking into account the
of my report and the views that have been expressed by Council members. The
Council also requested me to submit for its consideration a report on the
implementation of the resolution, in particular on the draft agreement
with the Government of Lebanon, including options for a funding mechanism
appropriate to ensuring the continued and effective functioning of the
3. Following initial consultations with the Lebanese authorities in Beirut
26 and 27 January 2006 and with two senior Lebanese judges from 24 to
28 February at United Nations Headquarters in New York, negotiations on the
framework for the establishment of the special tribunal for Lebanon on the
basis of
the Security Council's mandate proceeded at the expert level between members
the Office of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat and the Government of
represented by the Lebanese judges. The two delegations met between 31 May
1 June 2006 at Headquarters and between 3 and 7 July 2006 in The Hague. In
latest round of negotiations the two delegations benefited from the advice
wealth of knowledge and experience of two former Presidents of the
Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former
Yugoslavia since 1991. On 6 September, the Legal Counsel travelled to Beirut
presented the initial draft agreement and statute to the Prime Minister and
to the
Minister of Justice of Lebanon for their consideration.
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4. Requested by the Security Council in its resolution 1664 (2006) to take
account of the views that have been expressed by Council members, the
has, in the course of negotiations, taken into account the views expressed
interested members of the Council on the progress of the negotiations and
principles of the legal framework for the establishment of the special
tribunal. These
consultations have in many ways shaped the legal choices made in the
founding instruments.
5. The present report analyses the main features of the statute of the
tribunal and the agreement between the United Nations and the Government of
Lebanon. It examines the legal nature and specificities of the tribunal, its
personal and subject matter jurisdiction, its organizational structure and
composition, the conduct of the trial process, the location of the seat, the
mechanism and cooperation with third States.
II. The legal nature and specificities of the special tribunal
6. The legal basis for the establishment of the special tribunal is an
between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon, to which the
statute of
the tribunal is attached (see annex I). As a treaty-based organ, the special
tribunal is
neither a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, nor is it a part of the
court system.
7. The Security Council mandated the Secretary-General to negotiate an
agreement aimed at establishing a tribunal of an international character
based on the
highest international standards of criminal justice. Although the features
of such an
international character were not specified, the constitutive instruments of
the special
tribunal in both form and substance evidence its international character.
The legal
basis for the establishment of the special tribunal is an international
between the United Nations and a Member State; its composition is mixed with
substantial international component; its standards of justice, including
principles of
due process of law, are those applicable in all international or United
criminal jurisdictions; its rules of procedure and evidence are to be
inspired, in part,
by reference materials reflecting the highest standards of international
procedure; and its success may rely considerably on the cooperation of third
While in all of these respects the special tribunal has international
characteristics, its
subject matter jurisdiction or the applicable law remain national in
8. The special tribunal for Lebanon is distinguished from other
criminal tribunals established or assisted by the United Nations in two
(a) in the conduct of the trial process, more elements of civil law are
evident than of
common law; and (b) the investigative process conducted by the International
Independent Investigation Commission constitutes, in fact, the core nascent
prosecutor's office.
9. With the exception of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
the conduct of the trial process as reflected in the constituent instruments
of all
other United Nations-based or assisted tribunals has included more common
elements. The special tribunal for Lebanon is the first United
tribunal to combine substantial elements of both legal systems. The
applicability of
the Lebanese Code of Criminal Procedure as a guiding principle alongside
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reference materials reflecting the highest standards of international
procedure (art. 28), the enhanced powers of the Tribunal to take measures to
expeditious hearing and prevent any action that may cause unreasonable delay
(art. 21) and the introduction of trials in absentia (art. 22) are the most
manifestations of civil law elements.
10. The establishment of the special tribunal for Lebanon will have been
by the Commission established by Security Council resolution 1595 (2005) to
the Lebanese authorities in their investigation of all aspects of the
terrorist attack
that killed former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others. In establishing
Commission first, the investigative process has, for all intents and
purposes, begun.
In so doing, it will have the effect of reducing the lifespan of the
tribunal and
increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of its operation.
III. The jurisdiction of the special tribunal: temporal, personal
and subject matter
A. Temporal jurisdiction
11. In its resolution 1664 (2006), the Security Council envisaged the
of those responsible for the single terrorist bombing that killed former
Minister Rafiq Hariri and others on 14 February 2005. The Hariri
however, was committed in a context of other attacks bearing the same or
characteristics committed between 1 October 2004 and 12 December 2005.
Extending the jurisdiction of the tribunal beyond the assassination of Rafiq
Hariri to
other attacks is not, strictly speaking, an extension of the temporal
jurisdiction of
the tribunal, but rather an extension of its jurisdiction to include, within
a specified
period, other attacks that the tribunal might find to be connected to the
assassination and similar to it in nature and gravity. The list of such
attacks is
included in the third report of the Commission (S/2006/161, para. 55;
attached to
this report as annex II).
12. The reasons for the inclusion of these other attacks are threefold:
(a) As the investigation of the Commission has progressed, potential links
have emerged between the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and other attacks;
(b) The expansion of the mandate of the Commission to provide technical
assistance to the Lebanese authorities in respect of the 14 other attacks is
indication of interest on the part of the Security Council in judicial
beyond the Rafiq Hariri assassination;
(c) Singling out for prosecution one attack in a context of other similar
attacks is bound to create a perception of selective justice.
1. Linkage among the attacks
13. Article 1 of the statute of the special tribunal for Lebanon (see annex
attachment) provides as follows:
"The Special Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over persons responsible for
attack of 14 February 2005 resulting in the death of former Lebanese Prime
Minister Rafiq Hariri and in the death or injury of other persons. If the
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Tribunal finds that other attacks that occurred in Lebanon between 1 October
2004 and 12 December 2005, or any later date decided by the Parties and with
the consent of the Security Council, are connected in accordance with
principles of criminal justice and are of a nature and gravity similar to
attack of 14 February 2005, it shall also have jurisdiction over persons
responsible for such attacks. This connection includes but is not limited to
combination of the following elements: criminal intent (motive), the purpose
behind the attacks, the nature of the victims targeted, the pattern of the
(modus operandi) and the perpetrators."
14. In investigating the potential links between some or all of these
attacks, the
Commission has identified certain potential linkages, notably the mode of
or the general pattern of using explosive devices; the nature of the crime
or the
criminal intent underlying the attacks, namely, targeting politicians or
journalists, as well as creating widespread fear and anxiety among elements
of the
population by targeting public locations, destabilizing the security
situation and
causing damage to infrastructure; and the identity of perpetrators, of at
least some
of the attacks.1 In its fourth report, the Commission reached the
conclusion that the 14 cases were not commissioned and executed by 14
and unconnected persons or groups with an equal number of separate motives.
Analytically, the cases can be linked in a number of different ways and from
perspectives, notably their similarities in the modus operandi, and their
2. The expanded mandate of the Commission
15. The mandate of the Commission was originally limited to the
investigation of
all aspects of the terrorist attack of 14 February 2005 that killed former
Minister Rafiq Hariri and others (resolution 1595 (2005)). On 13 December
2005, a
day after the assassination of Gebran Tueni, the Government of Lebanon
the establishment of a tribunal of an international character and the
expansion of the
mandate of the Commission, or the establishment of another international
investigation commission, to investigate the assassination attempts and
assassinations and explosions that took place in Lebanon starting with the
on the life of Minister Marwan Hamadeh on 1 October 2004. In response to
request, the Security Council, in its resolution 1644 (2005), expanded the
of the Commission to include the provision of technical assistance as
appropriate to
the Lebanese authorities with regard to their investigations on the
terrorist attacks
perpetrated in Lebanon since 1 October 2004.
16. While the resolution expands the Commission's mandate with respect to
other 14 attacks for the purpose of extending its technical assistance to
the Lebanese
authorities and not for the purpose of its own investigation, it is an
1 In the view of the Commission, the comparable modus operandi of each
attack could point to a
single group of perpetrators who aimed to conduct a series of sustainable
repetitive attacks with
a minimum of complications (S/2006/375, para. 69).
2 Ibid., para. 83. In its fifth report, the Commission confirmed its
preliminary conclusion
regarding the interconnectivity between the 14 cases and stated that, as it
was developing
evidence that linked the cases into differing groupings, it was anticipated
that further links
between the cases might become evident upon further collection of
information and evidence
(S/2006/760, para. 67).
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nonetheless that the Security Council is interested in judicial
accountability for
those responsible for those attacks as well.
3. A perception of fairness, impartiality and objectivity of the special
17. In establishing the temporal jurisdiction of any United Nations-based
the Organization strives to strike a balance between a temporal jurisdiction
comprehensive enough to include the most serious crimes committed by those
responsible throughout the relevant period and a jurisdiction reasonably
limited so
as not to overburden the prosecutor's office and the tribunal as a whole. It
is a
balance struck, in fact, between fairness, objectivity and impartiality of
the trial
process, and its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
18. In the present circumstances, singling out for prosecution the
assassination of
Rafiq Hariri, while disregarding a score of other connected attacks could
cast a
serious doubt on the objectivity and impartiality of the tribunal and lead
to the
perception of selective justice.
B. Personal jurisdiction of the special tribunal
19. In its resolution 1664 (2006), the Security Council did not prescribe
personal jurisdiction of the tribunal, although it was mindful of the demand
of the
Lebanese people that all those responsible for the terrorist bombing that
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others be identified and
brought to
20. Article 1 of the statute accordingly provides that the tribunal shall
jurisdiction "over persons" responsible for the crimes falling within its
matter jurisdiction, whose modes of criminal responsibility are further
upon in article 3. Within the all-inclusive definition of the personal
jurisdiction of
the tribunal, the prosecutor will be free to pursue her or his prosecutional
and to determine the list of potential indictees according to the evidence
before him
or her.
C. Subject matter jurisdiction
21. Article 2 of the statute provides as follows:
"The following shall be applicable to the prosecution and punishment of
the crimes referred to in article 1, subject to the provisions of this
"(a) The provisions of the Lebanese Criminal Code relating to the
prosecution and punishment of acts of terrorism, crimes and offences against
life and personal integrity, illicit associations and failure to report
crimes and
offences, including the rules regarding the material elements of a crime,
criminal participation and conspiracy; and
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"(b) Articles 6 and 7 of the Lebanese law of 11 January 1958 on
'Increasing the penalties for sedition, civil war and interfaith
22. While the Lebanese criminal law is the applicable law, its applicability
limited to the crimes and offences provided for in article 2 of the statute.
It is also
subject to the provisions of the statute and therefore to the exclusion of
(e.g. death penalty and forced labour) otherwise applicable under Lebanese
23. In keeping with the Security Council mandate requesting the Secretary-
General to establish a tribunal of an international character and in the
of Lebanon where a pattern of terrorist attacks seems to have emerged, it
considered whether to qualify the crimes as crimes against humanity and to
them, for the purpose of this statute, as murder or other inhumane acts of
gravity causing great suffering or serious injury to body or to mental
health, when
committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the
24. Mindful of the differences in scope and number of victims between the
of terrorist attacks committed in Lebanon and the killings and executions
perpetrated on a large and massive scale in other parts of the world subject
to the
jurisdiction of any of the existing international criminal jurisdictions, it
nevertheless considered that the 14 attacks committed in Lebanon could meet
prima facie definition of the crime, as developed in the jurisprudence of
international criminal tribunals. The attacks that occurred in Lebanon since
1 October 2004 could reveal a "pattern" or "methodical plan" of attacks
against a
civilian population, albeit not in its entirety. They could be "collective"
in nature, or
"a multiple commission of acts"4 and, as such, exclude a single, isolated or
conduct of an individual acting alone. For the crime of murder, as part of a
systematic attack against a civilian population, to qualify as a "crime
humanity", its massive scale is not an indispensable element.
25. However, considering the views expressed by interested members of the
Security Council, there was insufficient support for the inclusion of crimes
humanity within the subject matter jurisdiction of the tribunal. For this
therefore, the qualification of the crimes was limited to common crimes
under the
Lebanese Criminal Code.
3 Article 314 of the Criminal Code provides as follows:
"The term 'acts of terrorism' includes all acts that are intended to cause a
state of alarm
and have been committed by means such as explosive devices, inflammable
toxic or corrosive products or infectious or microbial agents that are
liable to pose a
public threat."
Articles 6 and 7, respectively, of the 1958 law provide:
"All acts of terrorism shall be punishable by hard labour for life. Capital
shall be incurred if there were human fatalities or if a building has been
wholly or
partially destroyed when a person was inside, or if the act results in the
destruction, even
partial, of a public building, industrial installation, ship or other
structure or damage to
communications or transport links."
"Conspiracy to commit one of the crimes mentioned in the preceding articles
shall be
punishable by hard labour for life."
4 Article 7, paragraph 2 (a), of the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court defines an
"attack directed against any civilian population" as "a course of conduct
involving the multiple
commission of acts ... against any civilian population pursuant to or in
furtherance of a State or
organizational policy to commit such attack".
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D. Individual criminal responsibility
26. Under article 3, paragraph 1, of the statute, all those who committed,
participated as accomplice, organized or directed others to commit the
crime, or
otherwise contributed to the commission of the crime, shall be individually
responsible. This is a reflection of the Lebanese Criminal Code and general
law principles, evidenced, inter alia, by article 2, paragraph 3, of the
Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings of 1997 (General
resolution 52/164, annex). Article 3, paragraph 2, reflects the principle of
responsibility both under international law and national criminal and
military codes
as more fully articulated in article 28, subparagraph (b), of the Statute of
International Criminal Court. Under article 3, paragraph 3, obedience to
order is no defence, but may be considered in mitigation of punishment.
IV. Organizational structure of the special tribunal
A. The organs of the special tribunal
27. The special tribunal for Lebanon will consist of the following organs:
chambers (a pre-trial judge, a trial chamber and an appeals chamber), the
the registry and the defence office. The composition of the chambers is
mixed, with
a majority of international judges in the trial and the appeals chambers. An
international prosecutor, assisted by a Lebanese deputy prosecutor, is
responsible for
the investigation and prosecution of persons who may have committed the
falling within the jurisdiction of the tribunal. The registrar is appointed
by the
Secretary-General and is a staff member of the United Nations. The
establishment of
the special tribunal with a majority of international judges, an
prosecutor and a registrar is consistent with the long-established United
position that in the establishment of any mixed tribunal a substantial
component is a guarantee for the independence, objectivity and impartiality
of the
trial process.
B. Pre-trial judge
28. Pre-trial proceedings exist in different forms in all international
tribunals. However, unlike the pre-trial judge of either of the ad hoc
tribunals for the
former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, or of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, who
designated by the presiding judge of a trial chamber from among the members
that chamber, the pre-trial judge of the special tribunal for Lebanon is a
single international judge serving as a pre-trial judge only and not as a
member of
any of the chambers.
29. The role of the pre-trial judge is primarily to review the indictment
and, if a
prima facie case is established, to confirm the indictment. At the pre-trial
phase and
throughout the investigation, the pre-trial judge may issue any orders or
warrants of
arrest, detention or transfer of persons as may be requested by the
prosecutor for the
purpose of the investigation. In the decade-long experience of United
tribunals, the role of the pre-trial judge has proved crucial to ensuring
the efficiency
and expediency of the trial process.
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C. Defence office
30. The need for a defence office to protect the rights of suspects and
accused has
evolved in the practice of United Nations-based tribunals as part of the
need to
ensure "equality of arms", where the prosecutor's office is an organ of the
and is financed in its entirety through the budget of the tribunal. The
statute of the
special tribunal institutionalizes the defence office. The head of the
office is
appointed by the Secretary-General, although, in carrying out its functions,
office is independent. The defence office of the special tribunal is to
protect the
rights of the defence, draw up the list of defence counsel and provide
support and
assistance to defence counsel and persons entitled to such legal assistance.
V. Conduct of the trial process
A. Due process of law
31. With all the specificities of the special tribunal for Lebanon, its
standards of
justice and guarantees of due process of law are modelled on the highest
international standards of criminal justice. In addition to listing the
rights of the
accused, including an elaborated provision on the presumption of innocence
and the
burden of proof, the statute provides for the rights of suspects during
including the right not to be compelled to incriminate oneself, to be
informed of the
charges against him or her, to have legal assistance and to be questioned in
presence of counsel. The statute also protects the rights of victims whose
interests are affected and, while not recognizing them as "parties civiles",
it permits
their views and concerns to be presented and considered at all stages of the
B. Elements of civil law and common law systems combined
32. The proceedings before the special tribunal, while essentially
contain elements of both civil and common law systems. While distinctive
of civil law, namely, the institution of an investigating judge and the
participation of
victims as "parties civiles" are absent, the trial process before the
special tribunal is
inspired by the civil law system in the following two respects, the active
role of the
judges and the conduct of trials in absentia:
(a) The judges of the special tribunal will take a more active role in the
conduct of the trial process and the examination of witnesses. Under article
20 of
the statute, unless otherwise decided by the trial chamber, "examination of
shall commence with questions posed by the presiding judge, followed by
posed by other members of the Trial Chamber, the Prosecutor and the
Defence". The
trial chamber may also proprio motu "decide to call additional witnesses
order the production of additional evidence";
(b) The institution of trials in absentia is common in a number of civil law
legal systems, including Lebanon's. In addition, in the present case, where
conduct of joint trials for some or all of the cases falling within the
jurisdiction of
the tribunal is likely, it would be crucial to ensure that the legal process
is not
unduly or indefinitely delayed because of the absence of some accused.
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33. In introducing the institution of trials in absentia on the conditions
that the
accused has waived his or her right to be present, that he or she has not
been handed
over or absconded, or otherwise cannot be found, the statute of the special
takes account of the relevant case law of the European Court of Human
which determined the regularity of trials in absentia in full respect for
the rights of
the accused.5 Accordingly, and as a supplement to the Lebanese Criminal
article 22 of the statute provides that, where hearings are conducted in the
of the accused, the special tribunal shall ensure that the accused has
designated a
defence counsel to be present in the trial or that, if he or she has refused
to do so,
one will be assigned to him or her by the tribunal's defence office. In case
conviction, the accused shall have the right to be re-tried in his or her
presence, if
the accused has not designated a defence counsel of his or her choosing in
the first
trial. Otherwise, the conviction will stand.
C. Receivability and admissibility of evidence collected prior to the
establishment of the special tribunal
34. It will be necessary to have a coordinated transition between the work
of the
Commission and the special tribunal. While the modalities of such transition
be determined taking into account the progress of work of the Commission, it
necessary at this stage to ensure that the work of the Commission is
preserved and
that evidence collected by it prior to the establishment of the tribunal is
receivable by the tribunal.
35. In this connection, the Commission noted in its fourth report
para. 111), that:
"While based on relevant international standards, the internal procedure
takes into account Lebanese law and judicial procedures, as well as the
practice of the Commission since its establishment. In defining the
to be applied, the Commission considered the procedures of international
criminal jurisdictions and the minimum guarantees afforded by international
criminal law and international human rights law. The internal procedure will
therefore help ensure that any information collected or obtained by the
Commission is admissible in future legal proceedings, notably before a
tribunal of an international character".
36. In the circumstances, it is necessary to provide for the receivability
evidence collected by the national authorities of Lebanon and by the
Commission in
accordance with its mandate, on the understanding that its admissibility and
weight to be given to such evidence shall be determined by the tribunal in
accordance with international standards on the collection of evidence.
5 Case of Krombach v. France, European Court of Human Rights, Application
No. 29731/96,
Judgment, 13 February 2001; and Case of Sejdovic v. Italy, European Court of
Human Rights,
Application No. 56581/00, Judgment, 1 March 2006.
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VI. Agreement between the United Nations and the
Government of Lebanon
37. The agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon
would govern the terms of United Nations cooperation in establishing the
tribunal. It
stipulates the composition of the tribunal, the procedure for the nomination
appointment of judges (both international and Lebanese), of the
prosecutor and the Lebanese deputy prosecutor and of the registrar and other
members of the tribunal, as well as the privileges and immunities to which
they are
38. As a non-United Nations organ, the special tribunal would not be
entitled to
the privileges and immunities of the Convention on the Privileges and
Immunities of
the United Nations of 1946. For the special tribunal, its premises, funds,
and all members of the tribunal, to enjoy comparable privileges and
immunities, the
agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon, as well
the future headquarters agreement between the United Nations, the Government
Lebanon and the host State, will have to provide for the necessary
privileges and
39. The agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon
draws, for the most part, upon the agreements signed between the United
and the Governments of Cambodia and of Sierra Leone. The provisions relating
the location of the seat and the funding mechanism, however, are
A. Location of the seat
40. For a variety of reasons, the parties share the view that it would be
desirable to
locate the seat of the tribunal outside Lebanon. In the choice of the seat,
considerations of justice and fairness, administrative efficiency, the
rights of victims
and proximity to witnesses, existence of suitable facilities - both for the
and its detention facilities - security arrangements and affordable costs,
would be
fully taken into account.
41. The location of the seat outside Lebanon will require the conclusion of
headquarters agreement between the United Nations, the Government of Lebanon
and the host State. It is envisaged that when an agreement, in principle, is
on the location of the seat, the Secretariat will dispatch a United Nations
mission to identify adequate premises and negotiate the terms of the
42. Like the "split seat" of the Office of the Prosecutor of the
Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide
Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other
Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between
1 January and 31 December 1994, where the Prosecutor conducts some
investigations through his office in Kigali, while the seat of the Tribunal
is in
Arusha, the choice of the seat of the special tribunal outside Lebanon will
not affect
the operation of the prosecutor's office and the conduct of investigations
Lebanon, as necessary and subject to the conclusion of appropriate
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with the Government of Lebanon. The arrangements governing the presence of
Commission in Lebanon under the Memorandum of Understanding between the
Government of the Republic of Lebanon and the United Nations regarding the
Modalities of Cooperation for the International Independent Investigation
Commission, signed on 13 June 2005 (see S/2005/393), depending on the
circumstances prevailing at the time of the establishment of the tribunal,
may be
expanded to apply, mutatis mutandis, to the presence of an office of the
in Lebanon.
43. As is customarily the case with respect to tribunals of all kinds, the
that the special tribunal for Lebanon will meet away from its seat when it
it necessary for the efficient exercise of its functions is provided for in
article 8,
paragraph 2, of the agreement.
B. Funding mechanism
44. In its resolution 1664 (2006), the Security Council requested the
General to submit options for a funding mechanism appropriate to ensure the
continued and effective functioning of the tribunal. Without prejudice to
authority of the General Assembly in budgetary matters under Article 17 of
Charter of the United Nations, several options are, in principle, available
in the
determination of the funding mechanism of the special tribunal: assessed
contributions in whole or in part; voluntary contributions; or assessed and
contributions combined. As the Government of Lebanon has expressed its
willingness to bear a substantial part of the expenses of the tribunal,6 all
options but
one include a provision that 49 per cent of the expenses of the tribunal
would be
borne by the Government of Lebanon. An indication of possible options and a
proposed corresponding article are described below.
1. Assessed contributions
45. The merits of assessed contributions - the funding mechanism of the two
ad hoc tribunals, the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda - were debated at the time of the
establishment of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. In his report to the
Council (S/2000/915), the Secretary-General expressed the view that only
predictable, assessed contributions could produce a viable and sustainable
mechanism affording secure and continuous funding. It was also his view
(para. 70)
"A financial mechanism based entirely on voluntary contributions will not
provide the assured and continuous source of funding which would be required
to appoint the judges, the Prosecutor and the Registrar, to contract the
of all administrative and support staff and to purchase the necessary
equipment. The risks associated with the establishment of an operation of
kind with insufficient funds, or without long-term assurances of continuous
availability of funds, are very high, in terms of both moral responsibility
loss of credibility of the Organization, and its exposure to legal
6 A firm commitment by the Government of Lebanon on defraying its share in
the expenses of the
tribunal would be required before the agreement could be signed by the
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46. Funding through assessed contributions could be either in whole or in
part. If
considered an expense of the Organization under Article 17 of the Charter of
United Nations, it should be financed from assessed contributions. Any
contributions, including the contribution of the Government of Lebanon,
would be
supplemental and be used to implement specific non-core activities. It is
recalled in
this connection that if a decision to fund the special tribunal through
contributions is adopted, it would be for the General Assembly, as the
entrusted under Article 17 of the Charter with the responsibility to
consider and
approve the budget, to decide on the source of funding, as well as on any
and administrative arrangements to be put in place. It is also recalled that
through assessed contributions would trigger the applicability to the
special tribunal
of the United Nations Financial and Staff Regulations and Rules.
47. If the mechanism of assessed contributions in whole is accepted, the
provision of the agreement would read:
"The expenses of the Special Tribunal shall be considered expenses of
the Organization in accordance with Article 17 of the Charter of the United
48. If the mechanism of assessed contributions in part is accepted, the
provision in the agreement would read:
"The expenses of the Special Tribunal shall be borne in the following
"(a) Fifty-one per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal shall be
considered expenses of the Organization in accordance with Article 17 of the
Charter of the United Nations;
"(b) Forty-nine per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal shall be borne
by the Government of Lebanon."
2. Voluntary contributions
49. Voluntary contributions was the funding mechanism of the Special Court
Sierra Leone and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia,
in the former case a one-time subvention was granted by the General Assembly
replenish the dwindling reserves of the Special Court. If the option of
contributions, as the sole funding mechanism of the tribunal, is adopted,
then the
corresponding article would read:
"The expenses of the Special Tribunal shall be borne in the following
"(a) Fifty-one per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal shall be borne by
voluntary contributions from States;
"(b) Forty-nine per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal shall be borne
by the Government of Lebanon."
3. Combined funding mechanism
50. While the Secretary-General maintains his principled position in support
assessed contributions as the funding mechanism of international criminal
jurisdictions, the uniqueness of the special tribunal for Lebanon may
warrant a
06-61797 13
different approach to the establishment of the financial mechanism. The
proposed is a combined formula of both voluntary and assessed contributions.
provides for a continuation of assessed contributions to fund investigations
(as is
currently the case with the Commission) and this may be considered more
and sustainable than other options wholly reliant on voluntary
contributions. If
accepted, the corresponding article would read:
"The expenses of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon shall be borne in the
following manner:
"(a) The expenses incurred for investigations shall continue to be
considered expenses of the Organization in accordance with Article 17 of the
Charter of the United Nations;
"(b) Fifty-one per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal, excluding those
related to investigations, shall be borne by voluntary contributions from
"(c) Forty-nine per cent of the expenses of the Tribunal, excluding those
related to investigations, shall be borne by the Government of Lebanon."
51. With regard to the options described in paragraphs 49 and 50 above, both
which involve voluntary contributions, the sufficiency of funds must be
before the Secretary-General can be expected to commence the process of
establishment of the tribunal. In any of these options, therefore, the
following text
should be inserted as paragraph 2 of the corresponding article:
"It is understood that the Secretary-General will commence the process
of establishing the Tribunal when he has sufficient contributions in hand to
finance the establishment of the Tribunal and twelve months of its
plus pledges equal to the anticipated expenses of the following twenty-four
months of the Tribunal's operation. Should voluntary contributions be
insufficient for the Tribunal to implement its mandate, the
and the Security Council shall explore alternate means of financing the
C. Cooperation with the special tribunal
52. Article 15 of the agreement places an obligation on the Government of
Lebanon to cooperate with the tribunal at all stages of the proceedings and
comply with its requests for assistance in the identification and location
of persons,
service of documents, arrest and detention of persons, and the transfer of
to the tribunal.
53. In maintaining the logic of Security Council resolutions 1595 (2005),
(2005) and 1644 (2005), under which Member States are obliged to cooperate
with the Commission in its investigation of the Hariri assassination, the
may wish, at the appropriate stages and as necessary, to consider similar
measures to
enable the special tribunal more effectively to prosecute those responsible
for the
attack against Rafiq Hariri and for other attacks falling within the
jurisdiction of the
14 06-61797
VII. Conclusion
54. On 10 November 2006, I transmitted to the Prime Minister of Lebanon the
draft agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Lebanon on
establishment of a special tribunal for Lebanon, to which was annexed a
draft statute
for such a tribunal. By his letter to me of 13 November 2006, the Prime
informed me that the Lebanese Council of Ministers had agreed in its session
of that
date to the draft and looked forward to the completion of the remaining
leading to the establishment of the tribunal. By a note verbale dated 14
2006, the Permanent Mission of Lebanon forwarded to me a copy of
made by the President of the Lebanese Republic, including a challenge to the
decision of the Council of Ministers. The negotiated instruments are now
to the Security Council for its consideration.
06-61797 15
Annex I
Agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese
Republic on the establishment of a Special Tribunal
for Lebanon
Whereas the Security Council, in its resolution 1664 (2006) of 29 March
2006, which responded to the request of the Government of Lebanon to
establish a
tribunal of an international character to try all those who are found
responsible for
the terrorist crime which killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq
and others, recalled all its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions
1595 (2005)
of 7 April 2005, 1636 (2005) of 31 October 2005 and 1644 (2005) of 15
Whereas the Security Council has requested the Secretary-General of the
United Nations (hereinafter "the Secretary-General") "to negotiate an
with the Government of Lebanon aimed at establishing a tribunal of an
character based on the highest international standards of criminal justice",
into account the recommendations of the Secretary-General's report of 21
2006 (S/2006/176) and the views that have been expressed by Council members,
Whereas the Secretary-General and the Government of the Lebanese Republic
(hereinafter "the Government") have conducted negotiations for the
of a Special Tribunal for Lebanon (hereinafter "the Special Tribunal" or
Now therefore the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic (hereinafter
referred to jointly as the "Parties") have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Establishment of the Special Tribunal
1. There is hereby established a Special Tribunal for Lebanon to prosecute
persons responsible for the attack of 14 February 2005 resulting in the
death of
former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and in the death or injury of
persons. If the tribunal finds that other attacks that occurred in Lebanon
1 October 2004 and 12 December 2005, or any later date decided by the
Parties and
with the consent of the Security Council, are connected in accordance with
principles of criminal justice and are of a nature and gravity similar to
the attack of
14 February 2005, it shall also have jurisdiction over persons responsible
for such
attacks. This connection includes but is not limited to a combination of the
following elements: criminal intent (motive), the purpose behind the
attacks, the
nature of the victims targeted, the pattern of the attacks (modus operandi)
and the
2. The Special Tribunal shall function in accordance with the Statute of the
Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The Statute is attached to this Agreement and
an integral part thereof.
16 06-61797
Article 2
Composition of the Special Tribunal and appointment of judges
1. The Special Tribunal shall consist of the following organs: the Chambers,
Prosecutor, the Registry and the Defence Office.
2. The Chambers shall be composed of a Pre-Trial Judge, a Trial Chamber and
Appeals Chamber, with a second Trial Chamber to be created if, after the
passage of
at least six months from the commencement of the functioning of the Special
Tribunal, the Secretary-General or the President of the Special Tribunal so
3. The Chambers shall be composed of no fewer than eleven independent judges
and no more than fourteen such judges, who shall serve as follows:
(a) A single international judge shall serve as a Pre-Trial Judge;
(b) Three judges shall serve in the Trial Chamber, of whom one shall be a
Lebanese judge and two shall be international judges;
(c) In the event of the creation of a second Trial Chamber, that Chamber
shall be likewise composed in the manner contained in subparagraph (b)
(d) Five judges shall serve in the Appeals Chamber, of whom two shall be
Lebanese judges and three shall be international judges; and
(e) Two alternate judges, of whom one shall be a Lebanese judge and one
shall be an international judge.
4. The judges of the Tribunal shall be persons of high moral character,
impartiality and integrity, with extensive judicial experience. They shall
independent in the performance of their functions and shall not accept or
instructions from any Government or any other source.
5. (a) Lebanese judges shall be appointed by the Secretary-General to serve
the Trial Chamber or the Appeals Chamber or as an alternate judge from a
list of
twelve persons presented by the Government upon the proposal of the Lebanese
Supreme Council of the Judiciary;
(b) International judges shall be appointed by the Secretary-General to
as Pre-Trial Judge, a Trial Chamber Judge, an Appeals Chamber Judge or an
alternate judge, upon nominations forwarded by States at the invitation of
Secretary-General, as well as by competent persons;
(c) The Government and the Secretary-General shall consult on the
appointment of judges;
(d) The Secretary-General shall appoint judges, upon the recommendation of
a selection panel he has established after indicating his intentions to the
Council. The selection panel shall be composed of two judges, currently
sitting on
or retired from an international tribunal, and the representative of the
6. At the request of the presiding judge of a Trial Chamber, the President
of the
Special Tribunal may, in the interest of justice, assign alternate judges to
be present
at each stage of the trial and to replace a judge if that judge is unable to
06-61797 17
7. Judges shall be appointed for a three-year period and may be eligible for
reappointment for a further period to be determined by the Secretary-General
consultation with the Government.
8. Lebanese judges appointed to serve in the Special Tribunal shall be given
credit for their period of service with the Tribunal on their return to the
national judiciaries from which they were released and shall be reintegrated
at a
level at least comparable to that of their former position.
Article 3
Appointment of a Prosecutor and a Deputy Prosecutor
1. The Secretary-General, after consultation with the Government, shall
appoint a
Prosecutor for a three-year term. The Prosecutor may be eligible for
for a further period to be determined by the Secretary-General in
consultation with
the Government.
2. The Secretary-General shall appoint the Prosecutor, upon the
of a selection panel he has established after indicating his intentions to
the Security
Council. The selection panel shall be composed of two judges, currently
sitting on
or retired from an international tribunal, and the representative of the
3. The Government, in consultation with the Secretary-General and the
Prosecutor, shall appoint a Lebanese Deputy Prosecutor to assist the
Prosecutor in
the conduct of the investigations and prosecutions.
4. The Prosecutor and the Deputy Prosecutor shall be of high moral character
possess the highest level of professional competence and extensive
experience in the
conduct of investigations and prosecutions of criminal cases. The Prosecutor
and the
Deputy Prosecutor shall be independent in the performance of their functions
shall not accept or seek instructions from any Government or any other
5. The Prosecutor shall be assisted by such Lebanese and international staff
may be required to perform the functions assigned to him or her effectively
Article 4
Appointment of a Registrar
1. The Secretary-General shall appoint a Registrar who shall be responsible
the servicing of the Chambers and the Office of the Prosecutor, and for the
recruitment and administration of all support staff. He or she shall also
the financial and staff resources of the Special Tribunal.
2. The Registrar shall be a staff member of the United Nations. He or she
serve a three-year term and may be eligible for reappointment for a further
period to
be determined by the Secretary-General in consultation with the Government.
Article 5
Financing of the Special Tribunal
To be completed.
18 06-61797
Article 6
Management Committee
The parties shall consult concerning the establishment of a Management
Article 7
Juridical capacity
The Special Tribunal shall possess the juridical capacity necessary:
(a) To contract;
(b) To acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property;
(c) To institute legal proceedings;
(d) To enter into agreements with States as may be necessary for the
of its functions and for the operation of the Tribunal.
Article 8
Seat of the Special Tribunal
1. The Special Tribunal shall have its seat outside Lebanon. The location of
seat shall be determined having due regard to considerations of justice and
as well as security and administrative efficiency, including the rights of
victims and
access to witnesses, and subject to the conclusion of a headquarters
between the United Nations, the Government and the State that hosts the
2. The Special Tribunal may meet away from its seat when it considers it
necessary for the efficient exercise of its functions.
3. An Office of the Special Tribunal for the conduct of investigations shall
established in Lebanon subject to the conclusion of appropriate arrangements
the Government.
Article 9
Inviolability of premises, archives and all other documents
1. The Office of the Special Tribunal in Lebanon shall be inviolable. The
competent authorities shall take appropriate action that may be necessary to
that the Tribunal shall not be dispossessed of all or any part of the
premises of the
Tribunal without its express consent.
2. The property, funds and assets of the Office of the Special Tribunal in
Lebanon, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from
seizure, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of
whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
3. The archives of the Office of the Special Tribunal in Lebanon, and in
all documents and materials made available, belonging to or used by it,
located and by whomsoever held, shall be inviolable.
06-61797 19
Article 10
Funds, assets and other property
The Office of the Special Tribunal, its funds, assets and other property in
Lebanon, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from
every form of legal process, except insofar as in any particular case the
Tribunal has
expressly waived its immunity. It is understood, however, that no waiver of
immunity shall extend to any measure of execution.
Article 11
Privileges and immunities of the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy
the Registrar and the Head of the Defence Office
1. The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar and the
of the Defence Office, while in Lebanon, shall enjoy the privileges and
exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic agents in accordance with
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961.
2. Privileges and immunities are accorded to the judges, the Prosecutor, the
Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar and the Head of the Defence Office in the
of the Special Tribunal and not for the personal benefit of the individuals
themselves. The right and the duty to waive the immunity in any case where
it can
be waived without prejudice to the purposes for which it is accorded shall
lie with
the Secretary-General, in consultation with the President of the Tribunal.
Article 12
Privileges and immunities of international and Lebanese personnel
1. Lebanese and international personnel of the Office of the Special
while in Lebanon, shall be accorded:
(a) Immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and
all acts performed by them in their official capacity. Such immunity shall
to be accorded after termination of employment with the Office of the
(b) Exemption from taxation on salaries, allowances and emoluments paid to
2. International personnel shall, in addition thereto, be accorded:
(a) Immunity from immigration restriction;
(b) The right to import free of duties and taxes, except for payment for
services, their furniture and effects at the time of first taking up their
official duties
in Lebanon.
3. The privileges and immunities are granted to the officials of the Office
of the
Special Tribunal in the interest of the Tribunal and not for their personal
The right and the duty to waive the immunity in any case where it can be
without prejudice to the purpose for which it is accorded shall lie with the
of the Tribunal.
20 06-61797
Article 13
Defence counsel
1. The Government shall ensure that the counsel of a suspect or an accused
has been admitted as such by the Special Tribunal shall not be subjected,
while in
Lebanon, to any measure that may affect the free and independent exercise of
his or
her functions.
2. In particular, the counsel shall be accorded:
(a) Immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of personal
(b) Inviolability of all documents relating to the exercise of his or her
functions as a counsel of a suspect or accused;
(c) Immunity from criminal or civil jurisdiction in respect of words spoken
or written and acts performed in his or her capacity as counsel. Such
immunity shall
continue to be accorded after termination of his or her functions as a
counsel of a
suspect or accused;
(d) Immunity from any immigration restrictions during his or her stay as
well as during his or her journey to the Tribunal and back.
Article 14
Security, safety and protection of persons referred to in this Agreement
The Government shall take effective and adequate measures to ensure the
appropriate security, safety and protection of personnel of the Office of
the Special
Tribunal and other persons referred to in this Agreement, while in Lebanon.
It shall
take all appropriate steps, within its capabilities, to protect the
equipment and
premises of the Office of the Special Tribunal from attack or any action
prevents the Tribunal from discharging its mandate.
Article 15
Cooperation with the Special Tribunal
1. The Government shall cooperate with all organs of the Special Tribunal,
particular with the Prosecutor and defence counsel, at all stages of the
It shall facilitate access of the Prosecutor and defence counsel to sites,
persons and
relevant documents required for the investigation.
2. The Government shall comply without undue delay with any request for
assistance by the Special Tribunal or an order issued by the Chambers,
but not limited to:
(a) Identification and location of persons;
(b) Service of documents;
(c) Arrest or detention of persons;
(d) Transfer of an indictee to the Tribunal.
06-61797 21
Article 16
The Government undertakes not to grant amnesty to any person for any crime
falling within the jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal. An amnesty already
granted in
respect of any such persons and crimes shall not be a bar to prosecution.
Article 17
Practical arrangements
With a view to achieving efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the operation
the Special Tribunal:
(a) Appropriate arrangements shall be made to ensure that there is a
coordinated transition from the activities of the International Independent
Investigation Commission, established by the Security Council in its
1595 (2005), to the activities of the Office of the Prosecutor;
(b) Judges of the Trial Chamber and the Appeals Chamber shall take office
on a date to be determined by the Secretary-General in consultation with the
President of the Special Tribunal. Pending such a determination, judges of
Chambers shall be convened on an ad hoc basis to deal with organizational
and serving, when required, to perform their duties.
Article 18
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation or application
this Agreement shall be settled by negotiation or by any other mutually
agreed upon
mode of settlement.
Article 19
Entry into force and commencement of the functioning of the Special Tribunal
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day after the Government has
notified the United Nations in writing that the legal requirements for entry
into force
have been complied with.
2. The Special Tribunal shall commence functioning on a date to be
by the Secretary-General in consultation with the Government, taking into
the progress of the work of the International Independent Investigation
Article 20
This Agreement may be amended by written agreement between the Parties.
Article 21
Duration of the Agreement
1. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of three years from the
of the commencement of the functioning of the Special Tribunal.
2. Three years after the commencement of the functioning of the Special
the Parties shall, in consultation with the Security Council, review the
progress of
22 06-61797
the work of the Special Tribunal. If at the end of this period of three
years the
activities of the Tribunal have not been completed, the Agreement shall be
to allow the Tribunal to complete its work, for a further period(s) to be
by the Secretary-General in consultation with the Government and the
3. The provisions relating to the inviolability of the funds, assets,
archives and
documents of the Office of the Special Tribunal in Lebanon, the privileges
immunities of those referred to in this Agreement, as well as provisions
relating to
defence counsel and the protection of victims and witnesses, shall survive
termination of this Agreement.
In witness whereof, the following duly authorized representatives of the
United Nations and of the Lebanese Republic have signed this Agreement.
Done at __________ on __________ 2006, in three originals in the Arabic,
and English languages, all texts being equally authentic.
For the United Nations: For the Lebanese Republic:
______________ _______________
06-61797 23
Statute of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Having been established by an Agreement between the United Nations and the
Lebanese Republic (hereinafter "the Agreement") pursuant to Security Council
resolution 1664 (2006) of 29 March 2006, which responded to the request of
Government of Lebanon to establish a tribunal of an international character
to try all
those who are found responsible for the terrorist crime which killed the
Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others, the Special Tribunal for
(hereinafter "the Special Tribunal") shall function in accordance with the
of this Statute.
Section I
Jurisdiction and applicable law
Article 1
Jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal
The Special Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over persons responsible for
attack of 14 February 2005 resulting in the death of former Lebanese Prime
Rafiq Hariri and in the death or injury of other persons. If the Tribunal
finds that
other attacks that occurred in Lebanon between 1 October 2004 and 12
2005, or any later date decided by the Parties and with the consent of the
Council, are connected in accordance with the principles of criminal justice
and are
of a nature and gravity similar to the attack of 14 February 2005, it shall
also have
jurisdiction over persons responsible for such attacks. This connection
includes but
is not limited to a combination of the following elements: criminal intent
the purpose behind the attacks, the nature of the victims targeted, the
pattern of the
attacks (modus operandi) and the perpetrators.
Article 2
Applicable criminal law
The following shall be applicable to the prosecution and punishment of the
crimes referred to in article 1, subject to the provisions of this Statute:
(a) The provisions of the Lebanese Criminal Code relating to the prosecution
and punishment of acts of terrorism, crimes and offences against life and
integrity, illicit associations and failure to report crimes and offences,
including the
rules regarding the material elements of a crime, criminal participation and
conspiracy; and
(b) Articles 6 and 7 of the Lebanese law of 11 January 1958 on "Increasing
the penalties for sedition, civil war and interfaith struggle".
Article 3
Individual criminal responsibility
1. A person shall be individually responsible for crimes within the
jurisdiction of
the Special Tribunal if that person:
24 06-61797
(a) Committed, participated as accomplice, organized or directed others to
commit the crime set forth in article 2 of this Statute; or
(b) Contributed in any other way to the commission of the crime set forth in
article 2 of this Statute by a group of persons acting with a common
purpose, where
such contribution is intentional and is either made with the aim of
furthering the
general criminal activity or purpose of the group or in the knowledge of the
intention of the group to commit the crime.
2. With respect to superior and subordinate relationships, a superior shall
criminally responsible for any of the crimes set forth in article 2 of this
committed by subordinates under his or her effective authority and control,
as a
result of his or her failure to exercise control properly over such
(a) The superior either knew, or consciously disregarded information that
clearly indicated that the subordinates were committing or about to commit
(b) The crimes concerned activities that were within the effective
responsibility and control of the superior; and
(c) The superior failed to take all necessary and reasonable measures within
his or her power to prevent or repress their commission or to submit the
matter to
the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.
3. The fact that the person acted pursuant to an order of a superior shall
relieve him or her of criminal responsibility, but may be considered in
mitigation of
punishment if the Special Tribunal determines that justice so requires.
Article 4
Concurrent jurisdiction
1. The Special Tribunal and the national courts of Lebanon shall have
jurisdiction. Within its jurisdiction, the Tribunal shall have primacy over
national courts of Lebanon.
2. Upon the assumption of office of the Prosecutor, as determined by the
Secretary-General, and no later than two months thereafter, the Special
shall request the national judicial authority seized with the case of the
attack against
Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others to defer to its competence. The
judicial authority shall refer to the Tribunal the results of the
investigation and a
copy of the court's records, if any. Persons detained in connection with the
investigation shall be transferred to the custody of the Tribunal.
3. (a) At the request of the Special Tribunal, the national judicial
seized with any of the other crimes committed between 1 October 2004 and
12 December 2005, or a later date decided pursuant to article 1, shall refer
to the
Tribunal the results of the investigation and a copy of the court's records,
if any, for
review by the Prosecutor;
(b) At the further request of the Tribunal, the national authority in
shall defer to the competence of the Tribunal. It shall refer to the
Tribunal the results
of the investigation and a copy of the court's records, if any, and persons
detained in
connection with any such case shall be transferred to the custody of the
06-61797 25
(c) The national judicial authorities shall regularly inform the Tribunal of
progress of their investigation. At any stage of the proceedings, the
Tribunal may
formally request a national judicial authority to defer to its competence.
Article 5
Non bis in idem
1. No person shall be tried before a national court of Lebanon for acts for
he or she has already been tried by the Special Tribunal.
2. A person who has been tried by a national court may be subsequently tried
the Special Tribunal if the national court proceedings were not impartial or
independent, were designed to shield the accused from criminal
responsibility for
crimes within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal or the case was not
3. In considering the penalty to be imposed on a person convicted of a crime
under this Statute, the Special Tribunal shall take into account the extent
to which
any penalty imposed by a national court on the same person for the same act
already been served.
Article 6
An amnesty granted to any person for any crime falling within the
of the Special Tribunal shall not be a bar to prosecution.
Section II
Organization of the Special Tribunal
Article 7
Organs of the Special Tribunal
The Special Tribunal shall consist of the following organs:
(a) The Chambers, comprising a Pre-Trial Judge, a Trial Chamber and an
Appeals Chamber;
(b) The Prosecutor;
(c) The Registry; and
(d) The Defence Office.
Article 8
Composition of the Chambers
1. The Chambers shall be composed as follows:
(a) One international Pre-Trial Judge;
(b) Three judges who shall serve in the Trial Chamber, of whom one shall be
a Lebanese judge and two shall be international judges;
(c) Five judges who shall serve in the Appeals Chamber, of whom two shall
be Lebanese judges and three shall be international judges;
26 06-61797
(d) Two alternate judges, one of whom shall be a Lebanese judge and one
shall be an international judge.
2. The judges of the Appeals Chamber and the judges of the Trial Chamber,
respectively, shall elect a presiding judge who shall conduct the
proceedings in the
Chamber to which he or she was elected. The presiding judge of the Appeals
Chamber shall be the President of the Special Tribunal.
3. At the request of the presiding judge of the Trial Chamber, the President
of the
Special Tribunal may, in the interest of justice, assign the alternate
judges to be
present at each stage of the trial and to replace a judge if that judge is
unable to
continue sitting.
Article 9
Qualification and appointment of judges
1. The judges shall be persons of high moral character, impartiality and
with extensive judicial experience. They shall be independent in the
performance of
their functions and shall not accept or seek instructions from any
Government or
any other source.
2. In the overall composition of the Chambers, due account shall be taken of
established competence of the judges in criminal law and procedure and
international law.
3. The judges shall be appointed by the Secretary-General, as set forth in
article 2
of the Agreement, for a three-year period and may be eligible for
reappointment for
a further period to be determined by the Secretary-General in consultation
with the
Article 10
Powers of the President of the Special Tribunal
1. The President of the Special Tribunal, in addition to his or her judicial
functions, shall represent the Tribunal and be responsible for its effective
functioning and the good administration of justice.
2. The President of the Special Tribunal shall submit an annual report on
operation and activities of the Tribunal to the Secretary-General and to the
Government of Lebanon.
Article 11
The Prosecutor
1. The Prosecutor shall be responsible for the investigation and prosecution
persons responsible for the crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the
Tribunal. In the interest of proper administration of justice, he or she may
decide to
charge jointly persons accused of the same or different crimes committed in
course of the same transaction.
2. The Prosecutor shall act independently as a separate organ of the Special
Tribunal. He or she shall not seek or receive instructions from any
Government or
from any other source.
06-61797 27
3. The Prosecutor shall be appointed, as set forth in article 3 of the
by the Secretary-General for a three-year term and may be eligible for
reappointment for a further period to be determined by the Secretary-General
consultation with the Government. He or she shall be of high moral character
possess the highest level of professional competence, and have extensive
in the conduct of investigations and prosecutions of criminal cases.
4. The Prosecutor shall be assisted by a Lebanese Deputy Prosecutor and by
other Lebanese and international staff as may be required to perform the
assigned to him or her effectively and efficiently.
5. The Office of the Prosecutor shall have the power to question suspects,
and witnesses, to collect evidence and to conduct on-site investigations. In
out these tasks, the Prosecutor shall, as appropriate, be assisted by the
authorities concerned.
Article 12
The Registry
1. Under the authority of the President of the Special Tribunal, the
Registry shall
be responsible for the administration and servicing of the Tribunal.
2. The Registry shall consist of a Registrar and such other staff as may be
3. The Registrar shall be appointed by the Secretary-General and shall be a
member of the United Nations. He or she shall serve for a three-year term
and may
be eligible for reappointment for a further period to be determined by the
General in consultation with the Government.
4. The Registrar shall set up a Victims and Witnesses Unit within the
This Unit shall provide, in consultation with the Office of the Prosecutor,
to protect the safety, physical and psychological well-being, dignity and
privacy of
victims and witnesses, and such other appropriate assistance for witnesses
appear before the Special Tribunal and others who are at risk on account of
testimony given by such witnesses.
Article 13
The Defence Office
1. The Secretary-General, in consultation with the President of the Special
Tribunal, shall appoint an independent Head of the Defence Office, who shall
responsible for the appointment of the Office staff and the drawing up of a
list of
defence counsel.
2. The Defence Office, which may also include one or more public defenders,
shall protect the rights of the defence, provide support and assistance to
counsel and to the persons entitled to legal assistance, including, where
legal research, collection of evidence and advice, and appearing before the
Judge or a Chamber in respect of specific issues.
28 06-61797
Article 14
Official and working languages
The official languages of the Special Tribunal shall be Arabic, French and
English. In any given case proceedings, the Pre-Trial Judge or a Chamber may
decide that one or two of the languages may be used as working languages as
Section III
Rights of defendants and victims
Article 15
Rights of suspects during investigation
A suspect who is to be questioned by the Prosecutor shall not be compelled
incriminate himself or herself or to confess guilt. He or she shall have the
rights of which he or she shall be informed by the Prosecutor prior to
questioning, in
a language he or she speaks and understands:
(a) The right to be informed that there are grounds to believe that he or
has committed a crime within the jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal;
(b) The right to remain silent, without such silence being considered in the
determination of guilt or innocence, and to be cautioned that any statement
he or she
makes shall be recorded and may be used in evidence;
(c) The right to have legal assistance of his or her own choosing, including
the right to have legal assistance provided by the Defence Office where the
of justice so require and where the suspect does not have sufficient means
to pay for
(d) The right to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she
understand or speak the language used for questioning;
(e) The right to be questioned in the presence of counsel unless the person
has voluntarily waived his or her right to counsel.
Article 16
Rights of the accused
1. All accused shall be equal before the Special Tribunal.
2. The accused shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing, subject to
ordered by the Special Tribunal for the protection of victims and witnesses.
3. (a) The accused shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according
the provisions of this Statute;
(b) The onus is on the Prosecutor to prove the guilt of the accused;
(c) In order to convict the accused, the relevant Chamber must be convinced
of the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.
4. In the determination of any charge against the accused pursuant to this
he or she shall be entitled to the following minimum guarantees, in full
06-61797 29
(a) To be informed promptly and in detail in a language which he or she
understands of the nature and cause of the charge against him or her;
(b) To have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his or her
defence and to communicate without hindrance with counsel of his or her own
(c) To be tried without undue delay;
(d) Subject to the provisions of article 22, to be tried in his or her
and to defend himself or herself in person or through legal assistance of
his or her
own choosing; to be informed, if he or she does not have legal assistance,
of this
right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him or her, in any case
where the
interests of justice so require and without payment by him or her in any
such case if
he or she does not have sufficient means to pay for it;
(e) To examine, or have examined, the witnesses against him or her and to
obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his or her behalf
under the
same conditions as witnesses against him or her;
(f) To examine all evidence to be used against him or her during the trial
accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the Special Tribunal;
(g) To have the free assistance of an interpreter if he or she cannot
understand or speak the language used in the Special Tribunal;
(h) Not to be compelled to testify against himself or herself or to confess
5. The accused may make statements in court at any stage of the proceedings,
provided such statements are relevant to the case at issue. The Chambers
decide on the probative value, if any, of such statements.
Article 17
Rights of victims
Where the personal interests of the victims are affected, the Special
shall permit their views and concerns to be presented and considered at
stages of the
proceedings determined to be appropriate by the Pre-Trial Judge or the
Chamber and
in a manner that is not prejudicial to or inconsistent with the rights of
the accused
and a fair and impartial trial. Such views and concerns may be presented by
legal representatives of the victims where the Pre-Trial Judge or the
considers it appropriate.
Section IV
Conduct of proceedings
Article 18
Pre-Trial proceedings
1. The Pre-Trial Judge shall review the indictment. If satisfied that a
prima facie
case has been established by the Prosecutor, he or she shall confirm the
If he or she is not so satisfied, the indictment shall be dismissed.
30 06-61797
2. The Pre-Trial Judge may, at the request of the Prosecutor, issue such
and warrants for the arrest or transfer of persons, and any other orders as
may be
required for the conduct of the investigation and for the preparation of a
fair and
expeditious trial.
Article 19
Evidence collected prior to the establishment of the Special Tribunal
Evidence collected with regard to cases subject to the consideration of the
Special Tribunal, prior to the establishment of the Tribunal, by the
authorities of Lebanon or by the International Independent Investigation
Commission in accordance with its mandate as set out in Security Council
resolution 1595 (2005) and subsequent resolutions, shall be received by the
Tribunal. Its admissibility shall be decided by the Chambers pursuant to
international standards on collection of evidence. The weight to be given to
such evidence shall be determined by the Chambers.
Article 20
Commencement and conduct of trial proceedings
1. The Trial Chamber shall read the indictment to the accused, satisfy
itself that
the rights of the accused are respected, confirm that the accused
understands the
indictment and instruct the accused to enter a plea.
2. Unless otherwise decided by the Trial Chamber in the interests of
examination of witnesses shall commence with questions posed by the
judge, followed by questions posed by other members of the Trial Chamber,
Prosecutor and the Defence.
3. Upon request or proprio motu, the Trial Chamber may at any stage of the
decide to call additional witnesses and/or order the production of
4. The hearings shall be public unless the Trial Chamber decides to hold the
proceedings in camera in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and
Article 21
Powers of the Chambers
1. The Special Tribunal shall confine the trial, appellate and review
strictly to an expeditious hearing of the issues raised by the charges, or
the grounds
for appeal or review, respectively. It shall take strict measures to prevent
any action
that may cause unreasonable delay.
2. A Chamber may admit any relevant evidence that it deems to have probative
value and exclude such evidence if its probative value is substantially
by the need to ensure a fair trial.
3. A Chamber may receive the evidence of a witness orally or, where the
of justice allow, in written form.
4. In cases not otherwise provided for in the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence, a
Chamber shall apply rules of evidence that will best favour a fair
determination of
the matter before it and are consonant with the spirit of the Statute and
the general
principles of law.
06-61797 31
Article 22
Trials in absentia
1. The Special Tribunal shall conduct trial proceedings in the absence of
accused, if he or she:
(a) Has expressly and in writing waived his or her right to be present;
(b) Has not been handed over to the Tribunal by the State authorities
(c) Has absconded or otherwise cannot be found and all reasonable steps
have been taken to secure his or her appearance before the Tribunal and to
him or her of the charges confirmed by the Pre-Trial Judge.
2. When hearings are conducted in the absence of the accused, the Special
Tribunal shall ensure that:
(a) The accused has been notified, or served with the indictment, or notice
has otherwise been given of the indictment through publication in the media
communication to the State of residence or nationality;
(b) The accused has designated a defence counsel of his or her own
choosing, to be remunerated either by the accused or, if the accused is
proved to be
indigent, by the Tribunal;
(c) Whenever the accused refuses or fails to appoint a defence counsel, such
counsel has been assigned by the Defence Office of the Tribunal with a view
ensuring full representation of the interests and rights of the accused.
3. In case of conviction in absentia, the accused, if he or she had not
designated a
defence counsel of his or her choosing, shall have the right to be retried
in his or her
presence before the Special Tribunal, unless he or she accepts the
Article 23
The judgement shall be rendered by a majority of the judges of the Trial
Chamber or of the Appeals Chamber and shall be delivered in public. It shall
accompanied by a reasoned opinion in writing, to which any separate or
opinions shall be appended.
Article 24
1. The Trial Chamber shall impose upon a convicted person imprisonment for
or for a specified number of years. In determining the terms of imprisonment
for the
crimes provided for in this Statute, the Trial Chamber shall, as
appropriate, have
recourse to international practice regarding prison sentences and to the
practice of
the national courts of Lebanon.
2. In imposing sentence, the Trial Chamber should take into account such
as the gravity of the offence and the individual circumstances of the
32 06-61797
Article 25
Compensation to victims
1. The Special Tribunal may identify victims who have suffered harm as a
of the commission of crimes by an accused convicted by the Tribunal.
2. The Registrar shall transmit to the competent authorities of the State
the judgement finding the accused guilty of a crime that has caused harm to
3. Based on the decision of the Special Tribunal and pursuant to the
national legislation, a victim or persons claiming through the victim,
whether or not
such victim had been identified as such by the Tribunal under paragraph 1 of
article, may bring an action in a national court or other competent body to
4. For the purposes of a claim made under paragraph 3 of this article, the
judgement of the Special Tribunal shall be final and binding as to the
responsibility of the convicted person.
Article 26
Appellate proceedings
1. The Appeals Chamber shall hear appeals from persons convicted by the
Chamber or from the Prosecutor on the following grounds:
(a) An error on a question of law invalidating the decision;
(b) An error of fact that has occasioned a miscarriage of justice.
2. The Appeals Chamber may affirm, reverse or revise the decisions taken by
Trial Chamber.
Article 27
Review proceedings
1. Where a new fact has been discovered that was not known at the time of
proceedings before the Trial Chamber or the Appeals Chamber and that could
been a decisive factor in reaching the decision, the convicted person or the
Prosecutor may submit an application for review of the judgement.
2. An application for review shall be submitted to the Appeals Chamber. The
Appeals Chamber may reject the application if it considers it to be
unfounded. If it
determines that the application is meritorious, it may, as appropriate:
(a) Reconvene the Trial Chamber;
(b) Retain jurisdiction over the matter.
Article 28
Rules of Procedure and Evidence
1. The judges of the Special Tribunal shall, as soon as practicable after
office, adopt Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the conduct of the
pre-trial, trial
and appellate proceedings, the admission of evidence, the participation of
the protection of victims and witnesses and other appropriate matters and
amend them, as appropriate.
06-61797 33
2. In so doing, the judges shall be guided, as appropriate, by the Lebanese
of Criminal Procedure, as well as by other reference materials reflecting
the highest
standards of international criminal procedure, with a view to ensuring a
fair and
expeditious trial.
Article 29
Enforcement of sentences
1. Imprisonment shall be served in a State designated by the President of
Special Tribunal from a list of States that have indicated their willingness
to accept
persons convicted by the Tribunal.
2. Conditions of imprisonment shall be governed by the law of the State of
enforcement subject to the supervision of the Special Tribunal. The State of
enforcement shall be bound by the duration of the sentence, subject to
article 30 of
this Statute.
Article 30
Pardon or commutation of sentences
If, pursuant to the applicable law of the State in which the convicted
person is
imprisoned, he or she is eligible for pardon or commutation of sentence, the
concerned shall notify the Special Tribunal accordingly. There shall only be
or commutation of sentence if the President of the Tribunal, in consultation
with the
judges, so decides on the basis of the interests of justice and the general
of law.
34 06-61797
Annex II
Attacks perpetrated in Lebanon since 1 October 2004a
Following is an overview of the 14 cases in chronological order.
Number Date Type of explosion Area Victims
1 1 October 2004 Car bomb Dar El-Mraisseh locality, California
Street, Beirut
Marwane Hamadeh and driver
wounded, bodyguard killed
2 19 March 2005 Bomb New-Jdeidh, northern suburb of
11 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
3 23 March 2005 Bomb Altavista shopping centre, Kaslik,
north of Beirut
3 persons killed, 7 persons
wounded and serious material
damage to buildings and cars
4 26 March 2005 Bomb Sid-El-Bouchria, north-east of
6 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
5 1 April 2005 Bomb Plaza shopping centre, Broumana,
east of Beirut
9 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
6 6 May 2005 Bomb "Voice of Charity" radio station,
Jounieh, north of Beirut
11 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
7 2 June 2005 Victim's car Ashrafieh locality, Beirut Samir Kassir killed
8 21 June 2005 Victim's car Wata Msaytbeh, Boustany Street,
George Hawi killed
9 12 July 2005 Car bomb Naccache area, Beirut Elias El-Murr and 2 other
persons wounded and
1 person killed
10 22 July 2005 Bomb Monot Street, Ashrafieh locality,
13 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
11 22 August 2005 Bomb Zalka locality, near Promenade
Hotel, north of Beirut
11 persons wounded and
serious material damage to
buildings and cars
12 16 September 2005 Bomb Naoum Libki Street, Ashrafieh
locality, Beirut
1 person killed and 10 persons
wounded and serious material
damage to buildings and cars
13 25 September 2005 Victim's car Ghadir locality, suburb of Beirut May
Chidiac seriously
14 12 December 2005 Car bomb Mkalles, north of Beirut Gebran Tueni and 2
persons killed
a See S/2006/161, para. 55.