On the extension of the Parliament in Lebanon, it's the second time the same Parliament extends its mandates for another term.
Correspondent: On the extension of the Parliament in Lebanon, it's the second time the same Parliament extends its mandates for another term.
Spokesman: I don't have any guidance on that. If I get something, I will let you know. Last question?
[The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly said that today's vote of the Lebanese Parliament to extend its mandate would spare Lebanon a further serious vacuum in the institutions of the State. But, he added that it was a matter of regret that Lebanon, with its strong democratic tradition, remained unable to hold the parliamentary election. He stressed the United Nations' ongoing readiness to support preparations for parliamentary elections in Lebanon. Mr. Plumbly expressed the hope that Parliament would move without delay to elect a President. The United Nations Secretary-General in his latest report had again urged Lebanon's leaders to show the sense of urgency and flexibility needed to open the way to the election of a President. Mr. Plumbly noted the absence of any international impediment to this, and its importance for Lebanon's unity and the ability of the State to confront present challenges.]
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